Annual Conference 2010 - Future Staff


Future Staff


 This track explores the changing context facing and new and existing academic staff.

To explore topics within this theme in more detail, please follow the links below to browse existing content

or to share content and links of your own. 


UK Professional Standards


Discipline specific pedagogy
Continuing professional development
Professional development for those engaged in work based learning
 Enhancing quality and standards
 Reward and recognition
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Download the conference handbook, which contains abstracts of the presentations,

descriptions of the themes, and biographies of the speakers and panellists



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UK Professional Standards Framework


The UK Professional Standards Framework (UK PSF) for teaching and supporting learning

is a flexible framework which uses a descriptor-based approach to professional standards.

For more information, please see the Higher Education Academy's UK PSF pages.



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Click on the links below to search EvidenceNet for content relating to UK PSF:







Selected resources:

          Prosser M et al (2006)

          This report summarises the results of a formative evaluation of programmes in teaching, learning and           academic practice.


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Discipline-specific pedagogy


The Higher Education Academy's twenty-four subject centres support discipline-specific pedagogy.

To find your subject centre click here.



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Click on the links below to search EvidenceNet for discipline spedific pedagogy:





Selected resources:

          Walker M (2008)

A theoretical and conceptual exploration of the normative purposes of higher education, and of how these are or might be taken up in relation to the research/teaching nexus. An EvidenceNet summary of this report is also available.


          Comber D and Walsh L (2008)

This pilot study investigates the perceptions of staff concerning the degree to which educational development opportunities should utilise discipline-specific pedagogies.


          Kreber C (2008)

This book highlights the interplay between context-specific and context-transcendent aspects of teaching, learning and assessment.


          Cox D (2009), conference paper

          This paper reports on results of a study of five faculty and professional learning communities.


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Continuing Professional Development



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Click on the links below to search EvidenceNet for content relating to CPD:





Selected resources:

          Gravestock P (2006)

This project provided a disability awareness resource for academic and support staff in higher education through the development of an online course and an associated guide.


          Trevitt C and Perera C (2009) Teaching in Higher Education 14(4), 347-359

This paper explores ways in which prevailing institutional management orthodoxies as well as historical institutional epistemologies influence possibilities for growth and development.


Kennedy A (2005) Journal of In-service Education 31(2), 235-250(16)

This article considers a wide range of international literature, together with some specific examples from the Scottish context, in proposing a framework built around key characteristics of individual models of CPD.


Useful links

A group of Professional Training Advisers (PTAs) whose aim is to re-evaluate the role and methods of teaching and examination of Professional Studies in Schools of Architecture.


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Professional Development for WBL



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Click on the links below to search EvidenceNet for professional development for WBL:





Selected resources:

          Workman B (SEDA 2007)

This article considers CPD within the healthcare field and extract some key principles that can be applicable to other professions. 


          Eyres R, Hooker E, and Pringle A (Higher Education Academy 2008)

This paper considers the skills that staff need to support the specific needs and demands of employers and the adult workforce.


             Fellows S (2005)

This information paper is designed to define workplace learning, identify opportunities for workplace learning and assist members to articulate and evidence it as part of their continuing professional development (CPD).


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Enhancing Quality and Standards



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Click on the links below to search EvidenceNet for quality and standards:





Selected resources:

          Rush D and Hart J (2007)

This project explores some of the dynamics of change in the university sector, focusing particularly, but not exclusively, on UK business schools.


          Pratasavitskaya H and Stensaker B (2010)

The article analyses how quality management is understood in higher education research.


          The Quality Assurance Agency (2008)

This report provides a summary of the findings of the Academic reviews of HE in FE colleges in England, Sep 2005 and July 2007.

  •           Gibbs G et al. (2007)

    Research project on departmental leadership of teaching in research-intensive university environments. An EvidenceNet summary is also available.


  • Useful links:
  • The Higher Education Academy promotes and enhances the quality of students' learning experiences through supporting higher education institutions, departments and staff.


              The QAA safeguards quality and standards in HEIs in the UK.


    QSN is a membership organisation for staff with responsibility for quality strategy and management within UK higher education.


    ENQA disseminates information, experiences and good practices in the field of quality assurance in HE to European QA agencies, public authorities and HEIs.


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    Reward and Recognition


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    Click on the links below to search EvidenceNet for  reward and recognition: 





    Selected resources:

              The Higher Education Academy (2007)

    This report details results from a survey of institutional reward and recognition policy and practice. An EvidenceNet summary of the report is also available.


              Young P and Menon S (2008)

    The study provides evidence on CETL reward and recognition strategies and discusses implementation of these policies.


              Gibbs G and Habeshaw T (2009)

    This report focuses on academic staff perceptions of effective institutional reward and recognition of teaching, the relative value of national initiatives aiming to raise the esteem in which teaching is held, and how teaching could be more effectively recognised and rewarded.


    Useful links:


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