Implementing and Sustaining Change in the Higher Education Sector: The CETL initiative, 2005-2010
- Date: 20 May 2010
- Location/venue: Sheffield Hallam University, City Campus, Howard Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 1WB
The Higher Education Academy hosted a one-day CETL Conference on 20 May 2010 at Sheffield Hallam University.
As the CETL draws to a close, this conference provided an opportunity to promote the achievements of the CETLs in bringing about change, reflect on lessons learnt, and look forward to ways of sustaining their impact.
Through presentations, posters, workshops, discussion and a formal debate the conference:
- Showcased successes and highlighted lessons learnt
- Publicised outputs and resources and discussed dissemination strategies
- Demonstrated examples of good practice for the sector
- Discussed the impact of the CETL initiative on institutions, teaching & student engagement and how this might be sustained
- Provided a networking opportunity for all key stakeholders.
The event brought together a broad range of people including those personally involved in CETL activities as well as members of the wider higher education sector, such as learning and teaching champions, academics and lecturers, CETL staff, manager and directors, and colleagues contributing to or overseeing the work of CETLs at senior level.
There is an archived page for this event on the main Academy website
Contents of this page:
10:00 – 10:30: Registration and Poster set-up
10:30 – 10:45: Welcome – The Peak Theatre
- Professor Cliff Allan (Deputy VC, Sheffield Hallam) -
- Professor Sue Law (Higher Education Academy)
10:45 – 11:15: Keynote Speaker – The Peak Theatre
11:15 – 12:15: Parallel Session 1 - Institutional Change
(Click on the link to learn more about these sessions, including titles and abstracts)
12:15 – 13:00: Lunch and posters
13:00 – 14:00: Parallel Session 2 - Personal and Professional Development
(Click on the link to learn more about these sessions , including titles and abstracts)
14:00 – 14:30: Coffee and posters
14:30 – 15:00: Lessons Learnt from the CETL Initiative
- As part of this session, delegates were asked to (anonymously) write post-it answers to two questions. We have collated those answers, and you can read them on the following pages:
15:00 – 16:00: Debate: "This house believes that continuing the work of the CETLs should be a priority for HEI's teaching and learning strategies".
- Anna Newell (Centre for Excellence in the Creative and Performing Arts) proposed the motion, and Dr. Sean Walton (University of Bradford) opposed. Members of the audience engaged in discussion, and Dr. Helen King (HEA) and Ivan Moore (Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy) summarised. Professor Sue Law (HEA) chaired the session
- Read Anna Newell's case for the motion
16:00: Close
Theme 1: Institutional Change
Follow this link for the full abstracts for this session
The Seminar Room
11:15 – 11:45: Dr. Mark Atlay (Bridges CETL, University of Bedfordshire)
This presentation discussed the work of the Bridges CETL in developing a curriculum framework for application across the University of Bedfordshire
11:45 – 12:15: Dr. Marie Krumins, Patricia Bluteau and Lynn Clouder, The Centre for Interprofessional e-Learning (CIPeL), Coventry University and Sheffield Hallam University
- "Wading through treacle or flying high? Facing the challenges to adopt institutional change"
The presentation discussed the challenges faced with regards to winning heart and minds, management buy in and facilitating change in colleagues that would ultimately lead to their respective successes across the University
The Board Room
11:15 – 11:45: Dr. Ruth Allen, Dr. Sadie Williams and Dr. Gillian Lancaster (Postgraduate Statistics Centre; Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University)
- "Evaluation of Learning Spaces and How Students Learn Within Them: New Methodology, New Insights"
This presentation discussed the new visual analysis methodology devised by the Postgraduate Statistics CETL at Lancaster University for researching the use of new social learning spaces
11:45 – 12:15: Dr. Alan Booth and Dr. Angela Smallwood (CETL for Integrative Learning, University of Nottingham)
- "Integrative Learning – Transforming learning in the 21st Century"
This workshop aimed to place Integrative Learning (IL) in its international context and to encourage participants to connect it to their own experience and to explore its potential to enhance student learning in the UK in the 21st century
Read the session report on EvidenceNet
The Teaching Room
11:15 – 11:45: Professor Annette Cashmore, Dr. Jon Scott, Dr. Chris Cane and Professor Sue Law (GENIE – Centre of Excellence in teaching and learning in Genetics, University of Leicester; School of Biological Sciences, University of Leicester; Higher Education Academy)
- "Reward and Recognition for teaching and learning: defining good teaching and good institutional practices"
This presentation discussed the results of a joint GENIE/HEA survey of reward and recognition of teaching in HEIs, as well as case studies that have been collected
11:45 – 12:15: Dr. Janet Hargreaves, Dr. Idah Nkosana-Nyawata and Viktoria Joynes (University of Huddersfield; University of Leeds; ALPS CETL)
- "Strength in Numbers? A Collaborative Approach to Innovation in Professional Education"
This session presented aspects of the collaborative approach used by the ALPS CETL, which was formed by five universities, sixteen professions and multiple health and local authority agencies
Owen Classroom
11:15 – 11:45: Elizabeth Clifford, Elena Zaitseva and Sue Thompson (CETL, Liverpool John Moores University)
- "From muddy waters to clear blue ocean: the challenge and successes of facilitating change through a CETL"
This presentation focused on the role of the University's educational development unit (EDU) in providing an essential backbone of communication and co-ordination within the CETL
11:45 – 12:15: Professor Philippa Levy (CILASS, University of Sheffield)
This presentation highlighted key 'success factors' in the CETL's change facilitation practice and offered an opportunity to consider potential transferability to other HEIs
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Theme 2: Personal and Professional Development
Follow this link for the full abstracts for this session
The Seminar Room
13:00 – 13:30: Professor Steve Swithenby, Dr. Laura Hills and Anne Adams (Centre for Open Learning in Mathematics, Science, Computing and Technology – COLMSCT)
- "Directed creativity enhances professional development and institutional change"
This session presented the way in which COLMSCT has harnessed the creativity of individual practitioners in ways that both actively support student learning and contribute to university goals
13:30 – 14:00 Dr. Nicola Reimann and Angelina Wilson(Northumbria University)
- "Being a CETL Associate: findings of a study investigating staff learning about assessment through participating in a CETL network"
This paper reports a qualitative study investigating an Associate Scheme initiated by the Assessment for Learning (AfL) CETL at Northumbria University
The Board Room
13:00 – 13:30: Professor Annette Cashmore, Dr. Paul Green and Dr. Jon Scott (GENIE – Centre of Excellence in teaching and learning in Genetics, University of Leicester; Department of Anthropology, University of Melbourne; School of Biological Sciences, University of Leicester)
- "Students’ experience before, during and after higher education"
This presentation discusses a long-term project which utilised free-form video-diaries to capture students' experiences
13:30 – 14:00 Ayona Silva-Fletcher, Kim Whittlestone, Sarah Baillie,Vicki Dale, Birgit Pirkelbauer and Stephen May
- "A sustainable impact on veterinary pedagogy – developing a Masters programme in Veterinary Education"
The Teaching Room
13:00 – 13:30 Professor Mark Schofield (Dean of Teaching and Learning Development, SOLSTICE Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning)
- "SOLSTICE (Supported Online Learning for Students using Technology for Information and Communications in their Education) – Legacy and Next Steps"
The presentation will address the distance travelled by the SOLSTICE CETL, as well as the challenges that currently exist
13:30 – 14:00 Dr Christine Dearnley, John Fairhall, Stuart Walker and Jak Radice (University of Bradford)
- "Mobile Enabled Disabled Students (MEDS): Developing Accessible Mobile Learning"
This presentation will provide an overview of the work of the ALPS CETL in developing accessible mobile learning, and provide recommendations
Owen Classroom
13:00 – 13:30 Karen O’Rourke (Institute for Enterprise, Leeds Metropolitan University)
- "Promoting Enquiry-Based Learning"
This paper will provide an insight into the unique approach to EBL adopted by the Institute for Enterprise and will emphasise key projects, initiatives and activities that demonstrate the efficacy of EBL in developing an enterprising mind-set across our University
13:30 – 14:00 Professor Derek Raine and Dr. Cheryl Hurkett (pCETL, University of Leicester)
This presentation will look at the impact of PBL in various important contexts
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Links and Resources
Follow this link to find out more about the Academy's work with CETLs
Follow this link for the information about CETLs on HEFCE's website
Times Higher article from 27/05/2010 reporting on the event
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EvidenceNet is the Academy's service to promote and support the use of evidence in higher education, and is the parent site for this Wiki. It contains a variety of material relevant to the NSS, including research papers, case studies, events and networks
The Academy is keen to support CETLs in storing, disseminating and promoting their outputs, and EvidenceNet is one of the key methods of providing such support. EvidenceNet can link to resources held on your own websites, or it can store the items themselves (particularly useful for websites that are coming to an end). There is information about submitting content to EvidenceNet on the contribute page, and there is also a page describing how EvidenceNet can be of particular use to CETLs. For more information please contact Alex Buckley (
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